Saturday, March 20, 2010

Simple Truths of Obamacare - Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele

Simple Truths of Obamacare
From Politico

RNC Chairman Michael Steele
Saturday, March 20, 2010

“President Obama recently arm-twisted reluctant Democrats to vote for the government takeover of health care with a direct personal appeal, saying, “the fate of his presidency is on the line.”

“That this failed to incite revolt reveals how dangerous this Congress is for America. What they should have answered is: The fate of our country and future generations of Americans is on the line, Mr. President, and that’s more important.

“The force and duration of the grassroots pushback against the government takeover of health care reveals that this debate has stumbled on something unusually unifying for the normally fractious American citizenry.

“Pollsters of every political persuasion have been saying since last August: We know what we know. Despite all the “experts” trotted out to convince us that spending trillions will reduce the deficit, and growing government will somehow grow the job-creating sector, we’re just not buying it.

“As Congressional Democrats shuttle between the Capitol and the White House, concocting sweetheart deals to entice votes from their nervous caucus members, they’ve lost sight of what Americans outside Washington already know:

“The simple truth is that you can’t add a trillion dollars to the budget and claim it’s “revenue neutral” unless you are raising taxes or cutting benefits somewhere else. The simple truth is you can’t cut a half-trillion dollars from Medicare and claim it won’t affect seniors. The simple truth is you can’t procure votes with special deals for certain states and not others, then claim that all Americans are treated equally. The simple truth is you can’t claim transparency when every meeting, conversation and deal is behind closed doors. The simple truth is you can’t claim to be accountable when you’re willing to ignore the Constitution, on a technicality, to avoid having to answer for a shameful vote.

“The simple truth is the President and the Congressional Democrats will have to face the verdict of history for what they’re doing. We, too, will have to answer to future generations for letting it happen. There will be no hiding from our grandchildren when they ask why a nation founded on the fear of government overreach and control allowed Big Government into our exam rooms, our medicine cabinets and our hospital beds. ..."

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