Monday, March 22, 2010

Fire Pelosi & Peters Now!

Dear Concerned American,

The outpouring of support that the we've received has been extraordinary. Just 12 hours after Nancy Pelosi and her cronies on Capitol Hill forced their government takeover of our country's health care through Congress, you and other concerned Americans have responded by donating more than $402,010 to the Fire Nancy Pelosi project of the Republican National Committee, so that we can continue to fight to make your voice heard!

The Democrats in Washington have abandoned all pretense of representing the will of the American people. They are pursuing their own Leftist agenda in defiance of your will. But this November, you've got the chance to derail that agenda once and for all. If we can defeat 40 Democrat Representatives in this November's elections, we will fire Nancy Pelosi. Only you can make it happen.

The GOP Action Team cannot thank you enough for all of the time, money, and passion that you have put into combating these Beltway Leftists, but in this fight we'll need all the help we can get. We've set a new goal at $842,010! Now we're asking you to call or email your friends, tell them the stakes, and urge them to give to the Republican National Committee today so that we can work to fire Nancy Pelosi. Together we can win the battle against the Left this November, and take this country back for the American people!


Angela Sailor, RNC Coalitions Director


To learn more about volunteer opportunities, please email us at and include the subject "Volunteer".

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Paid for by the Republican National Committee.
310 First Street, SE - Washington, D.C. 20003 - (202) 863-8500
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee

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