Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Detroit News: Brooks Patterson on Rep. Gary Peters' Negative Campaigning

Posted by L. Brooks Patterson on Thu, Oct 7, 2010 at 11:11 AM
Deflect, Deflect, Deflect
A reporter once asked famed mountain climber Sir George Mallory why he scaled Mt. Everest. He answered, "Because it's there."

A reporter once asked Willie Sutton why he robbed banks. He said, "Because that's where the money is."

If a reporter were to ask Congressman Gary Peters why he spends so much money on negative campaigning, he would say, "Because it works."

By "works" Peters obviously means that it deflects the public's attention away from his own extreme liberal voting record - a record Peters hopes the public will forget. Let's be honest, folks, how does an incumbent Congressman run on a record that includes the following votes:

•A vote for "Cap and Trade" (more often called "Cap and Tax"). It raises energy costs so significantly that it will drive American manufacturing offshore.
•A vote for Obamacare despite the overwhelming opposition of his constituents back home. This "let them eat cake" vote will impose trillions of debt upon our children and grandchildren.
•A vote for TARP, the Wall Street bailout. (Obviously, Peters did not want the public to remember that he worked for two major Wall Street institutions for over 22 years and now has the audacity to say he wants to hold those greedy bastards on Wall Street accountable!)
It's all about deflecting the public's attention.

When I was in law school, the professor who taught trial practice must have been thinking of Gary Peters when he told the old story that most lawyers have heard many times. The professor opined that "When the facts are on your side, you hammer the facts to the jury. When the law is on your side, then you hammer the law to the jury." One student raised his hand and asked, "What happens if you have neither the facts nor the law on your side?" The old professor looked at him and said, "That's when you put your opponent on trial."

Congressman Peters has taken this professor's advice to a whole new level. He hopes the public will forget his true voting record and join him in his tawdry effort to put Rocky Raczkowski on trial.

From The Detroit News: http://apps.detnews.com/apps/blogs/brooksblog/index.php#ixzz129xtOyRZ

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