Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Gary Peters' stimulus vote brings ZERO jobs to Oakland County

Gary Peters ran for Congress last year promising to bring jobs to Michigan's 9th Congressional District.

So far, he has totally and utterly failed.

Peters voted for President Barack Obama's $787 billion stimulus package, and $1.2 billion of that money has been sent to Michigan. But according to a Detroit Free Press investigation, all of those taxpayer dollars have not created or saved ANY new jobs in Michigan.

From the Free Press report:
Seven months into the massive federal stimulus program, the vast majority of government grants, contracts and loans in Michigan so far have created or retained virtually no jobs.
Seven months later, and the much vaulted stimulus has created NO jobs? Where's the beef, Gary?


  1. here is part of a blog that I wrote about him:

    Congressman Peters' voting record is shameful. He pretended to run as a moderate democrat and turned into a Pelosi whipping boy, voting straight down party line. His support for Cap and Tax and the otrocious health care bill topped it off. See his voting record here: http://tinyurl.com/ylgmbgl
    His constituents keep writing, calling, faxing him to vote no on the important issues, but he pretends not to hear us. When someone actually gets to meet with him, his positions are always undecided, and wham, the next day he will vote against his constituents wishes. I imagine he thinks of himself as invincible, considering the amount of money he already collected fundraising towards the next election. It is about $ 1,2 Mill by now. See his contributions here http://tinyurl.com/ygzdjct here http://tinyurl.com/yklrmrm and here http://tinyurl.com/yhjnth2
